rio astamal

Hello there! My name is Rio Astamal, and I was born 1,193,339,049 seconds ago—quite a while, right? 😉 I'm based in Surabaya, Indonesia, and I’m currently working on building my own SaaS products. Follow me on LinkedIn to stay updated!

Since 2004, I've been diving into web development and exploring the world of open-source technologies. My focus has also expanded to cloud computing, especially on the AWS platform, and more recently, I've been experimenting with the exciting possibilities of Generative AI.

I love open source, but closed source is fine too—no need to take it too seriously. My rule is simple: as long as it gets the job done, it's good enough to be chosen. Check out my GitHub account to see some of my open-source projects!

I enjoy reading, not just about computer-related topics but also about astronomy, deep space, conspiracy theories, and history. Photography is another hobby of mine—you can check out my work on my Instagram account.