rio astamal

Hello there, my name is Rio Astamal and I was born 0000 seconds ago, so it's quite long enough ;). I am based in Surabaya, Indonesia. Currently I work at Amazon Web Services (AWS) as Developer Advocate for Indonesia.

I'm a big fan of GNU/Linux, web development and anything related to open source technologies. Therefore, since 2004 I focused on web development especially on PHP, Javascript, MySQL, Apache, Nginx and others as foundation to build the solutions. In recent time I mainly focused on cloud computing especially on AWS platform.

I love open source but closed source is fine, don't take it too serious. The rule is simple as long as it can get the job done it should be sufficient to be chosen.

I love reading not only about computer stuff but other topics as well such as astronomy, the deep space, conspiracy theory and history. Another hobby that I like recently is photography, you can find it on my instagram account.

Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.